3. Theming

10 May 2021

Zoner uses the same CSS class names and ids as Zonelets, so any Zonelets theme automatically works!

Check out the Theme Gallery on Zonelets to see what's possible.

If you want to use a different theme on a page, like this one does, you can add a <style> tag and put the name of a style sheet in your /style folder, like so:


Zoner will then replace that page's style with the one you asked for, just make sure it exists in the style directory!


This is a pretty short post, so I guess I'll also explain how generating an archive works:

In most blogs you'll want an archive page so users can see everything you've written. That's what the <archive> tag is for. Zoner will find this tag and fill it in with a list of your posts.

But you may also want a recent posts list on your home page, you don't want it to be super long though. No worries! Add a count and more attribute to the tag like so:

<archive count="2" more="./archive"></archive>

This will generate this:

count is how many posts will be displayed, if it's greater or equal to the current post count a "more posts" link will not appear. more is the link to your archive page, which is required if you limit your count.